Curriculum is more than a list of skills and knowledge to be achieved, it is also how children learn, and how they learn about their learning. Also, how much do we, as adults, learn from them?

Ofsted Inspector report:

“Teaching is consistently good and at times better than good. Staff know the children well and have high expectations that children will do well in their next stage of learning. Staff make good use of assessment to focus on what skills children need to acquire to move them forward. They plan well, to include a wide range of exciting experiences that motivate children to learn and practise their skills”.

The statutory framework for the early years foundation stage sets the standards for all early Years providers, one of the main purposes is to provide Equality of opportunity ensuring that every child is included and supported, and their voice is heard and respected.

At Muhammadi Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which states that ‘play and learning experiences are based on children’s interests and needs, regular observations and consultation with parents
